Jon William Stables
About Jon William Stables
Quality equestrian buildings built by British craftsmen.

Why choose Jon William Stables
Why should you engage Jon William Stables to supply your new equestrian building, wooden stable, field shelter or timber building?
At Jon William Stables, we provide full details of our comprehensive range of timber buildings, including stables, mobile shelters and mobile stables, American barns, garages and carriage houses. We also showcase some of the bespoke projects we have completed for our clients over the years.
Of course, if you don’t find exactly what you are looking for, we would be delighted to discuss your requirements by telephone or in person. You are welcome to visit our main office at Netherstreet, near Chippenham, Wiltshire.
Timber frame buildings built by craftsmen
When you purchase any of our fine range of quality buildings, we want you to feel proud you have selected a Jon William Stables product. We do this by creating equestrian products that have been built by craftsmen. We strive to build the best product possible, so we are confident you will be proud to own it. We firmly believe our business cornerstones drive us to perfect every Jon William Stables product.

Our first cornerstone is expertise. We are a family-run business established in 1965. Doing business with a family firm means you get both experience and expertise. We trained with our father, who trained with his father, and we put that knowledge and professionalism to good use – giving you a quality product.
Quality is our second cornerstone. We only use quality products of a sustainable nature, bought from environmentally friendly suppliers that echo our high values and care about our world. We dedicate ourselves to turning the raw material into a superb product and applying the same attention to detail, whether you require a single mobile shelter or a completely stable complex.
This quality is demonstrated throughout our Design values, our third cornerstone. We offer you a comprehensive selection, including the opportunity to create a unique and bespoke project. Something we have perfected. Innovative style permeates our entire range, each with unique features.
Our window designs afford ventilation rather than creating draughts. Our arbour vents allow air to circulate in the roof, reducing condensation, which is better for your building and your animal’s health. It is all part and parcel of the quality and service you expect from Jon William Stables.

And that’s the final cornerstone of our business – Service. To be truly proud of your purchase, you must be delighted with both the product and the service you receive. We understand that your experience dealing with Jon William Stables will depend upon meeting your expectations. In both these regards, we do not use sub-contractors to construct our buildings; we only use fully trained employees.
This means everyone you deal with understands the importance of a high standard of service, and they will care as much about your building and the welfare of your horse as you do. We want you to be proud of your purchase. We are proud to create it for you.