7 Must-Haves in your Wooden Stable

If you are a new horse owner and building brand-new stables for them, you may need a little direction as to what essential supplies and tools you should start buying and storing. Thankfully, you’ve come to the right place!

Every stable must include essential supplies to ensure you have everything you need under one roof to look after your horses. This will include anything from horse grooming tools, cleaning supplies and horse bedding and feed.

Keep reading to understand what essentials you should store in your wooden stables once they are built and ready to be used!

Feeding Schedule

Now, horses love to have routine, and this also applies to their feeding schedules. To keep organised, you can keep a feeding schedule in your horse stable.

This is specifically helpful if you are not the one feeding your horses on odd occasions or if you have multiple people helping you with horse duties. Having a whiteboard where that is visible to everyone and can be amended is best advised. This will allow you to specify your horse’s routine (especially if you have multiple) with food, medication, and other important reminders. 

Horse Bedding

The most common choices for bedding are hay and straws, as they are easy to clear out and replace when needed. However, it is essential that you avoid any harmful bedding options for your horses, such as the ones containing black walnut shavings or hay/ straws that are mouldy.

The correct choice of bedding will ensure that your horses are happy and comfortable inside their stables, helping you to maintain their health and well-being.

Our top tip is to invest in a well-built hay barn nearby your stable where you can also store your shavings, pallets and straws used for beddings.


So, the time has come to clean your horse’s stable. How do you manage to clear used hay and other rubbish out? The answer is wheelbarrow! This solution will help transport your horse’s waste and old bedding to a different location easily.

We suggest having multiple wheelbarrows and ensuring each one has a different purpose. For example, keep one to dispose of horse waste and used bedding, and another for fresh bedding, etc. This will allow you to move multiple things without contamination.

Cleaning Supplies

It is crucial to keep your horse stables clean and tidy to help keep rodents, dangerous illnesses, and bacteria away. So, investing in appropriate cleaning supplies is a must!

Cleaning supplies you need for wooden horse stables:

  • Stable disinfectant – comes in powder form or spray.
  • Brooms and Brushes
  • Buckets – ensure to separate these from your feeding buckets.

There are several other cleaning supplies you can buy, but the essentials above will get you started on your cleaning routine.

Halter and Lead Ropes

Horse owners should consider investing in halters and lead ropes, as these products make caring for your horse easier. These products are sturdy and long-lasting, with the ability to break your horses free in an emergency.

Halters and lead ropes are essential for horse owners as they help to prevent different types of horse injuries. 

Horse Riding Equipment

Owning high-quality horse-riding equipment is crucial as it will allow you to improve the riding experience and develop a positive bond between you and your horse. With the correct horse-riding equipment, you can easily manage your horse’s fitness levels, which will ensure you take your horse out more often.

CCTV Cameras

Lastly, we wanted to mention CCTV cameras. Even though these can be slightly pricy, it’s always good to know what happens inside the stables for safety purposes. Cameras that allow live monitoring on your mobile devices are also easy to find nowadays.

Nothing is better than knowing your horse’s home is safe and secure for your furry friend. So why not invest in high-quality, sturdy stables that will last you for years? Give us a call at 01380 850 965 or drop us an email at sales@j-w-s.co.uk to discuss your needs and requirements today!

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