Horse Grooming Tips for Summer


As the temperature increases, it is essential to provide proper grooming care for your horses. It ensures that they are protected from skin irritation, sunburns, skin conditions, and unwanted pests like flies and mosquitoes.

Keep reading to see how you can keep your horses clean, cool and comfortable during high temperatures this summer.

1. Protection from sunburn

Like humans, if left unprotected, your horses’ skin will get sunburned, especially if they have pink skin, which means they have low pigment. One of the most efficient ways to keep them clean and protected is by using a horse shampoo that also provides UV protection and prevents sunburn. You can also use zinc oxide ointments on the exposed hairless area; these are thick and gooey, so they can be easily applied to create a protective barrier against the sun.

Another effective way is to use a lightweight blanket specially designed to be used during summer, also known as horse summer sheets. These sheets act as a cover to ensure that horses are comfortable, clean, and safe from the heat. It also helps protect them against any biting pests, such as flies, mosquitoes, and gnats.

Caution- Always ensure that you are using products specially formulated for horses, and always make sure you read the labels and follow instructions carefully.

2. Have a well-stocked grooming kit available.

Have a well-stocked grooming kit with all the essentials to keep your horses clean and cool this summer. Here are some bits we think are must-haves in your kit:
– Horse shampoo and conditioner
– Hair polish
– Sponges in various sixes
– Hand mitts
– Sweat scraper

3. Sponge bath to keep them nice and cool

A cool sponge bath will help reduce body temperature and provides good relief from the heat. Keep in mind that excessively bathing your horses using shampoo is not suitable for their skin or coat; however, a simple cool sponge bath using cool water always helps remove sweat and helps them stay cool.

4. Make sure to monitor their health, feed, and water intake

Baths, sun cream, and horse sheets can help a lot; however, the health of your horse starts from within. Ensure that they have a nutritional diet, and always make sure that there is plenty of water available wherever you choose to keep them.

Keep an eye on how often and how much they are feeding. Any signs of weight loss must be acknowledged. Make sure you check for any injuries; if left unnoticed or ignored, a minor injury can cause a lot of discomforts to your horses, especially during summer, where pests are likely to surround the wound and cause further harm.

Additionally, make sure to check for any skin-related diseases such as summer sores, sweet itch, budge bites, and watery eyes.

5. Regular grooming

To keep your horse’s coat healthy and glowing, make sure you are grooming them regularly. Brushing removes dirt and dust, and as you are messaging their skin, it helps with sebum production, which can be highly advantageous for maintaining a healthy coat.

6. Give your horse a trim

You can trim your horses’ tails, mane, legs, and other parts of their body to prevent them from getting too heated during summer. Horse’s mane, especially, can get quite thick, which can cause annoyance to your horses in the summer. Trimming them doesn’t only help them stay cool but also keeps them looking neat, clean, and presentable.

Why not learn different ways to plait your horse’s mane to keep them looking pretty and help them stay a little cooler. Learn how to create some fun mane plait, including our favourite French plait, from our previous articles.

Last but not least, having a good shelter is highly essential not just during summer but also during other seasons. They can act as a shade, rain, wind, or protection against harmful pests. Why not invest in a highly durable field shelter or a quality American barn to keep your horses sheltered and protected all year round.

Contact Jon William Stables on 01380 850 965, or email us at Our friendly team members will be more than happy to talk you through our ranges here at Jon William Stables.

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