In a previous blog, we challenged you to learn new plaits for your horse’s mane during isolation. As the lockdown continues, we have moved on… to tail plaiting!
If you have managed to master the other braids, then these mane braids are going to be easy-peasy for you as well. Many of them use the same techniques; you just have to adapt them to the shape of your horse’s tail.
Running Plait / French Plait
The running plait is a simple French braid that runs down the length of the tail. There are many variations you can take with this one, such as stopping midway down and leaving the bottom half straight, or plait it and roll it back up to look like a ball hanging off the end of the running plait.
Pinwheel Braid
To do the pinwheel braid – you simply finish the running plait a little differently, so it looks like a pinwheel at the end.
Spiral Running Braid
The spiral running braid requires a long braid and is more for looks than for anything! Still, it is one of our favourites. There is no tutorial available yet, but if you can master a French plait, you can do this one. Star from the top left of the tail with a French braid, and work your way down and around the tail. The French plait will naturally hold the braid in place, so you don’t have to worry about it falling out!
Continental Braid / Diamond Braid
Probably the easiest one on our list, if you’ve mastered the continental braid on the mane, you can definitely do this on the tail. From the top of the tail, make ponytails and then section them off at each level. If you need to see a video, we’ve got a tutorial video here.