Types of Wood That Can Be Used To Construct Your Garage

types of wood

Whether you are looking for the cheaper option, one that simply does the job, or a wood type that would be a stunning upgrade to your home, there are plenty of varieties on hand. Here we highlight 4 specific types of wood that may make the perfect building material for your dream wooden garage.


Cedar is the perfect wood for use in the construction of your wooden garage. Cedar is a wood that has a natural resistance to moisture, rot, and decay, meaning that it is almost immune to nearly every type of weather condition. The most common type of cedar is the western red variety, which, as the name suggests, is a reddish wood that is soft and easy enough to work with. Cedar is generally moderately priced, making it one of the most cost-effective wood types available.


blocks of redwood


Like cedar, redwood is also most often used for outdoor projects, making it another potential option to construct your wood garage with. Redwood is well regarded as a premium building wood. This is mainly due to it having a chemical inside that makes it weather, rot and insect resistant allowing the wood to last much longer than many other types. Though redwood does command a premium price in comparison to other woods, redwood would certainly add class and value to your existing property. If style and elegance are a high priority for you, then redwood could well be the best choice.


Pine is a softwood that comes in varieties such as sugar, yellow and white. Pine is very easy to work with and can be moulded into different styles and shapes making it a highly flexible medium. This is especially useful if you are planning to construct a complex garage set up. Pine is regularly found in many states in the northern hemisphere, and its wide availability has definitely made it one of the most affordable building materials that can be used. Pine is also easy to source and can be purchased from your nearest building merchant.


bespoke wooden oak garage


Oak is a hardwood type that originates from the oak tree, native to the northern hemisphere. The attractiveness of building with oak is that it is strong, heavy and durable which makes it a solid material choice for your garage. Oak is available in two varieties; red and white, though white oak is more preferable as it offers more of an eye-catching look and is also resistant to moisture. Though hardwoods are usually more expensive than the softwoods, white oak can be found at relatively cheap rates but can be difficult to source. 

At Jon William Stables we are able to design and manufacture your perfect garage set up using a variety of wood types. For more information on the wood types that we offer feel free to contact our team on 01380 850 965.

Published by: Jon William Stables 

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